The role of social media in student motivation and learning outcomes in the digital era

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Savira Rahmadhea


The utilization of social media in education has become increasingly prevalent, offering both opportunities and challenges in the learning process. While social media platforms enhance communication, collaboration, and access to diverse learning resources, they also present distractions, privacy concerns, and disparities in access. This comprehensive research investigates the role of social media in education, particularly its impact on student motivation and learning outcomes. Through a literature review and empirical data collection, the study evaluates the relationship between social media use and student engagement, highlighting factors influencing this dynamic. The findings underscore the importance of judiciously integrating social media into educational practices, ensuring its benefits are maximized while mitigating potential drawbacks. Addressing challenges such as distraction, privacy, and the digital divide requires clear policies, student training, and community collaboration. By adopting a holistic approach, educational institutions can create a conducive learning environment where social media serves as a valuable tool for enhancing student learning experiences and outcomes.

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